KBC Lottery Fake Call Complaint: In recent years, the Kon Banega Karodpati Show (also known as the KBC Lottery Game Show) has garnered considerable popularity in India and a few neighbouring countries. Because of the KBC Show’s huge popularity, a tiny number of so-called individuals are taking advantage of innocent people. They are defrauding people by impersonating the KBC lottery and stealing their money. They try to cheat unsuspecting people of their money and then fool their victims.
We receive over 1,000 complaints per day from various nations and locations regarding the lottery organized by KBC Fraud calls, and we thoroughly and swiftly examine each one. The great majority of them report that the phone calls came from Pakistani numbers. This sort of fraud has been going around for a long time in India. Every day, a considerable number of people fall victim to the KBC Lottery fraud, wasting both their time and money. The KBC Lottery is controlled by a system of rules and regulations that many of its participants are unfamiliar with. KBC Lottery is a chance game.
KBC Complaints Department got a complaint concerning a fraudulent lottery call.
Have you received a WhatsApp message alerting you that you have won 25 lakh rupees from the reality program Kon Baniga Crodpati (KBC)? Avoid assuming that you’ve struck it rich right immediately. “It’s conceivable this is a ruse.” Be on the lookout for the KBC Scam.
A big number of people are now receiving fake WhatsApp Lottery calls purporting to be from the KBC Lottery. They claim that you have won the KBC Lottery and a huge reward from the KBC Game Show, both of which are absolutely fake. If you win their lottery, they will provide you with documents, cheque, and even lottery files including the names of their winners.
Complaint Against KBC for a Fake Lottery Call If you have a complaint regarding the KBC Lottery, please contact the KBC Head Office via the WhatsApp number given. You may file any concerns quickly and easily using the KBC Online Compliance Portal. After receiving your complaint, our staff will respond as soon as possible.
Your issue is fixed while you are on the phone with a customer support professional, and it is resolved in less than 5 minutes. You can opt out of getting calls for the KBC Lottery or the Jio Lottery. The fundamental goal of KBC is to protect you against fraud.
Do you think you’ve been the victim of KBC Lottery Fraud? Have you received any fake KBC Lottery calls? To avoid wasting your time, follow these steps to submit a complaint with the KBC Scammers.
- Firstly Make a record of all the information you can find regarding KBC spoof calls, including the scammer’s WhatsApp or phone number, a photo (if one is available), the lottery file, and the lottery number.
- Make an attempt to discover their bank account number.
- Now! Go to the Complaints Department area of the KBC official website and fill out the proper form. (www.kbclotterywinnerlist.com)
- Contact the KBC Complaint Department directly by dialing the number indicated under the KBC Complaint Department Section.
- You can also file a complaint by completing the KBC Complaint Form, which is available on the Internet.
Would you please provide whatever information you have to KBC so that effective and timely actions may be taken to stop KBC Scammers as soon as possible?0019188444474 KBC Lottery Complaints Online Head Office Number 0019188444474 KBC Lottery Complaints Online Head Office Number 0019188444474 KBC Lottery Complaints Online Head Office Number 0019188444474 KBC Lottery Complaints Online Head Office Number 0019188444474.
A lucky draw for all India Sim Cards will be conducted via Whatsapp, and the winners will be revealed. Kaise Check out Karen’s Kbc Lottery Number for 2022. You may view the Jio Lottery Number for 2022 by visiting this page.
KBC Lottery Numbers
The most often drawn KBC lottery numbers, according to the KBC (Kon Baniga Crodpati) lotto database, are 83317, 0120, and 89312. The most well-known lottery number in the world is 8491, which has been in use since 1994. The best KBC lottery number of all time is 89917, which is similar to the number used in the example above (see below). If you call our customer service line at +19188444474, we will gladly provide you with a list of the Kbc 2022 lottery winners. Those who have won the KBC Lottery 2022 can check their results online before contacting the KBC WhatsApp number +19188444474 Kolkata to arrange for their prizes to be collected.
The prefixes 0092 and +92 are widely used to denote the beginning of these digits. Proceed with extreme caution while dialing any of the phone numbers provided above. If you request that a certain sum of money be placed into a specific bank account, please do not cooperate since it is inappropriate. After rejecting the call, please call the official Kon Baniga Crodpati number, +19188444454, as soon as possible. Please contact us if you have any questions. According to company policy, the firm will vigorously dispute customer claims, and those who are implicated in the fraud will be prosecuted as quickly as practicable. Furthermore, as an extra incentive, they will give you the opportunity to compete in the tournament and maybe win the KBC prize.
Regardless of the conditions, it is almost inevitable that there will be fraud in every incident where KBC lottery money is involved. As a result, we are committed to supporting each and every customer in being aware of deception and protecting them from being tricked or misled by impersonators or other fraudulent individuals. In addition to the preceding point, customers may receive phone calls or text messages from unknown phone numbers. When you’re in this situation, make it a habit to check the country code of the phone number to see if it’s safe to call them. Depending on the circumstances, a person engaged in fraudulent activity can communicate with consumers via international or Pakistani phone lines.
According to the company, the Lucky Draw for Kbc Sim Cards will be held in 2022.
Do you know if there will be a KBC giveaway for the remainder of the year in 2022? Every month in 2022, on the first and fifteenth of the month, a KBC Sim Card All India Raffle Contest will be held, with the winner receiving a KBC Sim Card. That is, instead of just being able to enter the KBC Contest once a month, you will now be able to enter it twice a month. The more frequently you recharge your SIM card, the more opportunities for earning money you will be given with. On a few occasions, consumers have reported receiving phone calls from an unknown number informing them that they had won the KBC 2022 prize giving sweepstakes.
Following that, consumers are asked to either deposit a certain amount of money into the account or click on a certain link on the website to complete the transaction. In such a case, clients should definitely consider double-checking the source to confirm that it is authentic rather than fake. It is simple to swiftly and efficiently verify their identities by looking at the country code of the phone number that has called them for information. This is how fraud involves impersonating actual people and connecting with consumers about the winning KBC 2022 lottery ticket is detailed:
Because we value each and every one of our customers, we must inform you that participating in the KBC 2022 giveaway is a simple process that anyone, regardless of location, can begin right now. To be eligible to compete in the tournament, you must only complete a few simple procedures. The first step is to load data onto the SIM card, which will be used to communicate with the rest of the world. Soon after the upload is finished, the database will be updated to include the customer’s mobile phone number, which will then be ready for use immediately after the upload is finished. Once the user’s information in the KBC All India Sim Card Lucky Draw Competition 2022 has been updated, he or she will be considered a registered member of the KBC, also known as Kon Baniga Crodpati, and will be eligible to participate in future drawings.
How can you protect yourself from KBC Lottery Fraud?
Never put your faith in a bogus KBC phone call. If you receive a phone call from an unknown number, especially one from Pakistani Numbers, do not answer it. They should not be trusted, and their offer should be rejected. Maintain the confidentiality of your personal information.
KBC Scammers will request personal information from you, such as your identity card, Aadhaar Card, or other identifying documents, such as your bank account number. Don’t provide anyone you talk with over the phone any personal information or papers.
Never give anyone your bank account details.
If they ask for your bank account number, Paytm, Google Pay, or any other valet account number, do not provide it to them since they will misuse it. As quickly as feasible, report the occurrence to the police department or the KBC Complaints Department.